Earthed – vessels of containment is inspired by a former Scottish industrial claypit which has been out of use for over one hundred years. It is now a large deep pool, rich in river reed and rare aquatic flora. The clay banks and bed of the old claypit are impermeable and trap water like a vessel. My interaction with the site took the form of circular walks following the tracks of songbirds and herons, otters, deer, rabbits and foxes, predators and prey – my perceptions of this landscape constantly changing. The one constant was the focus of the pool as vessel and container. This continuous circular walk resulted in a series of works which reflect the containment and stillness of this large clay vessel. Made mainly from site materials, unfired clay and birch twigs and leaves, the works explore the idea of being contained within a landscape – searching for a point of stillness where outer and inner landscapes combine.
Exhibition: Crawford Art Centre, St Andrews.
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